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Dignity in Dying comment on Lord Darzi’s NHS Next Stage Review

30th June 2008

Dignity in Dying comment on Lord Darzi’s NHS Next Stage Review

Statement from Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive:

“Dignity in Dying welcomes the NHS Next Stage Review final report, which outlines a vision for the future of the NHS focusing on providing high-quality care and personalised services from birth right until the end of life.

“The report aims to meet the rising expectations of the public about their health services and recognises the fact that people want a greater degree of control and influence over their healthcare. This confirms the findings in Dignity in Dying’s Charter for Dignity at the End of Life, launched by former Health Minister, Lord Norman Warner, which outlines recommendations to address the gap between the reality and public expectations around care at the end of life.

“Dgnity in Dying particularly welcomes greater choice and control for patients through the promotion of personalised care plans for people with long-term conditions, the introduction of a pilot scheme on personal health budgets and empowering people to receive care in their place of preference. The report also champions fair access to high-quality care for all and aims to end the postcode lottery in accessing approved drugs and treatments.

“However, the implementation of these plans will be an immense challenge. Central support and strong local partnerships will be key to put these visions into action.

“We look forward to the publication of the Government’s first ever End of Life Care Strategy, which will set out the vision for future end-of-life care in greater detail.”

Notes to editor:

About Dignity in Dying

Dignity in Dying is the leading organisation in the UK that promotes and campaigns for greater patient choice at the end of life.
The organisation is the country’s leading provider of Advanced Decisions (formerly known as Living Wills).
Dignity in Dying has over 100,000 supporters and receives its funding entirely from donations from the public.

Media enquiries

For all media enquiries, please contact Jessica Tomlin on 020 7479 7736 or